
Thanks for dropping in to my little corner of the Interwebz.

I use this site to document my wanderings around the place, a bit of what I’m up to, and for a whole load of memories. I am a keen amateur photographer so there are a lot of pictures here. I particularly like photographing our trips and holidays, and classic cars any chance I get.

I’m also working on putting together a comprehensive list of Car Museums around the world, which may be interesting or even useful to some.

Feel free to look around, and I hope you enjoy yourself.


If you’re looking for my photography site…


Another life changing doggie gadget!  Possibly almost as amazing as the PooperScooper, I can't speak more highly of the Citronella
Unfortunately there is no built-in way to move existing email accounts to a new CPanel Host. Fortunately, it's quite easy
Top Gear Korea Season 1 Episode 3 English subtitle [Part 4 of 6].avi - YouTube. Interesting in that the star
Check out my jokes pages sometime - Daves Jokes!
Welcome to my corner of the Internet! As usual, the site is under redevelopment - check back soon to see