
Thanks for dropping in to my little corner of the Interwebz.

I use this site to document my wanderings around the place, a bit of what I’m up to, and for a whole load of memories. I am a keen amateur photographer so there are a lot of pictures here. I particularly like photographing our trips and holidays, and classic cars any chance I get.

I’m also working on putting together a comprehensive list of Car Museums around the world, which may be interesting or even useful to some.

Feel free to look around, and I hope you enjoy yourself.


If you’re looking for my photography site…


When my brother Kev passed last year, I "inherited" a pair of sunglasses that he had in his car. Kev
I bought a new plant for Jeff's house the other day.. It's an Haworthia (I think).. Whatever.. Jeff LOVES it..
Dani mentioned in passing one day that she had been into a Garden Centre/Pet store (Olivers) and they had a
The day was a bit dismal, but the Hot Rods were Brilliant, as usual! I was testing a new 35mm
I'm sure that anyone who has followed Motor Racing for a while has heard of the Legendary Brooklands, the world's
It's been AGES since I posted anything here - life has been a bit hectic! Since my last post I've
I had to pop up to the National Motor Museum to do a little maintenance on a vehicle there, so
This road trip that I'm going to share with you came about as a result of an accidental internet find.
Before you enter the sheds that house the museum, there are some very pretty gardens, and bits and pieces strewn
[aesop_content color="#000000" background="#30f5f2" columns="1" position="none" imgrepeat="no-repeat" disable_bgshading="off" floaterposition="left" floaterdirection="up" revealfx="off" overlay_revealfx="off"]Adelaide has a few Coffee and Cars events. This particular
[aesop_quote type="block" background="#282828" text="#ffffff" align="left" size="1" quote="A Chance Encounter at the starting point of an American Muscle Cruise provided me